Understanding Var, Let, and Const in JavaScript: Choosing the Right Keyword for Your Variables

Understanding Var, Let, and Const in JavaScript: Choosing the Right Keyword for Your Variables

Variables in JavaScript

Variable means anything that can vary. In JavaScript, a variable stores data that can be changed later on.

The syntax in JavaScript categorizes values into two types: fixed values and variable values. Fixed values are referred to as "Literals" while variable values are referred to as "Variables".

Why Variables?

Variables play a crucial role in programming languages and have multiple important functions. They enable us to save and modify data in our programs. Variables can be thought of as storage containers, similar to how kitchen containers are used to store different types of food. By using variables, we can create dynamic and adaptable code, as the values of the variables can be changed based on various conditions or user input.

Understanding var, let, and const in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are three ways to declare variables: var, let, and const. Each of these keywords has its own unique behavior and use cases. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between var, let, and const, and when to use them.


Var is the oldest way to declare variables in JavaScript. It has been around since the beginning of the language and is still supported in modern browsers. One of the key differences between var and let/const is that var has function scope, not block scope. This means that variables declared with var are accessible within the function in which they are declared, as well as any nested functions. However, they are not accessible outside of the function.

Here's an example:

function exampleFunction() {
  var x = 10;
  if (true) {
    var y = 20;
  console.log(x); // Output: 10
  console.log(y); // Output: 20

console.log(x); // Output: ReferenceError: x is not defined
console.log(y); // Output: ReferenceError: y is not defined

In the example above, x and y are both declared with var. x is declared within the exampleFunction, so it has function scope and can be accessed within the function. y is declared within the if statement, which is also inside the function, so it can be accessed within the function as well. However, when we try to access x and y outside of the function, we get a ReferenceError because they are not defined.


Let was introduced in ES6 as a way to declare variables with block scope. This means that variables declared with let are only accessible within the block in which they are declared, such as an if statement or for a loop. This behavior is similar to other programming languages like C or Java.

Here's an example:

function exampleFunction() {
  let x = 10;
  if (true) {
    let y = 20;
    console.log(x); // Output: 10
    console.log(y); // Output: 20
  console.log(x); // Output: 10
  console.log(y); // Output: ReferenceError: y is not defined

console.log(x); // Output: ReferenceError: x is not defined

In the example above, x and y are both declared with let. x is declared within the exampleFunction, so it has a block scope and can be accessed within the function. y is declared within the if statement block, so it can only be accessed within that block.


Const is another keyword introduced in ES6. Variables declared with const are also block-scoped, like let, but they have an additional restriction: they cannot be reassigned. This means that once a variable is declared with const, its value cannot be changed.

Here's an example:

function exampleFunction() {
  const x = 10;
  if (true) {
    const y = 20;
    console.log(x); // Output: 10
    console.log(y); // Output: 20
  console.log(x); // Output: 10
  console.log(y); // Output: ReferenceError: y is not defined

x = 5; // Output: TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

In the example above, x and y are both declared with const. x is declared within the exampleFunction and cannot be reassigned. y is declared within the if statement block and cannot be reassigned either.


In conclusion, var, let, and const are three ways to declare variables in JavaScript, each with its own unique behavior and use cases. Var has function scope, let has block scope, and const has block scope and cannot be reassigned. Var is outdated and should be avoided, while let and const are preferred for their predictable behavior. Let should be used if a variable's value may need to be changed, while const should be used if the value should not be changed. By choosing the appropriate keyword for each variable, code can be made more maintainable and easier to read and debug.